What People Are Saying

“If you're looking for someone to reset your life from the inside out then I can't recommend Melanie enough. Her approach to being healthy helped me smash some long held unhealthy beliefs and patterns without feeling restricted or like I was failing if I wasn't perfect all the time.  She helped me create real lasting change, break the cycle of dieting and feel empowered to achieve my goals. She is a true gem!”

— Jade R

“I absolutely loved having Melanie as my coach. She helped pinpoint which foods exactly were irritating my system and she helped guide me on how to become more consistent and structured with daily practices to ensure I stuck to this newfound, healthier lifestyle. She also held me accountable which was very needed and overall, I highly recommend her! ”

— Isabella K

“I made a decision to work with Melanie at a point in my life where I felt incredibly challenged by my daily life. I felt like I didn’t have the time to take care of myself, and my relationship with food was dismal at best. Melanie broke everything down into approachable concepts. She not only coached me in taking better care of myself but also my mindset. This is where I feel the most important growth and change happened. While my weight loss and fitness goals are ever changing and evolving. I have made progress and strides I couldn't have imagined attaining without her guidance, knowledge, and down to earth, realistic approach. Her energy is motivating and teaches you that you are truly worth it.  ”

— Dalia J

“I always thought since I was an emotional person that I understood how to feel things and let them go. Boy was I wrong! When I started working with Melanie she changed my life in so many ways. She helped me to start to be aware of all things that were holding me back. And I was one of the main things. She got me into journaling, meditating and setting my intentions for the day to help with my mindset. Which in turn also helped with my weight I’ve struggled with my whole life. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her starting this journey for me. ”

— Amanda N

“Melanie gave me the space, support, and strength to face myself. My real self. I came to realize that I did not believe in myself, and that belief impacted every decision I made every single day from waking up to sleep. I now believe in myself enough to KNOW in the depth of my soul that I deserve to be free to live my best life. Melanie gave me the medium to find freedom. ”

— Stephen S

“I felt lost and out of control with my diet and eating habits. Mentally, I felt I was incapable of changing. Melanie was able to change my way of thinking about food and break my addiction to sugar. ”

— Iris T

“Melanie is an incredible coach! She is so passionate about what she does, she is encouraging, and she really helps you break down limiting beliefs and integrate better lifelong habits that support you mentally, physically, and spiritually. She really listens to you, holds space for your journey, while holding you accountable. I highly recommend her!! ”

— Rachael K